NETO Innovation Team
A team with 15 years of experience in Research, Development, and Innovation
NETO Innovation offers you high quality services thanks to the expertise of our team in Research, Development, and Innovation (RDI), project writing and management:
More than 15 years of experience in RDI to support you in project management, grant writing and innovation funding.
Multidisciplinary team covering numerous domains of activity: Materials, Chemistry, Health, Electronics, Marketing, Finance.
Customized approach focused on each partner's specific needs.
Management of RDI teams and projects.
Technology transfer - from lab to fab - to insure the industrialization and the commercialization into the market of your innovative projects and ideas.
Writing of multiple successful proposals: 4 H2020, 1 SME Instrument Phase 2 and 1 EIC Accelerator - Phase 2, 2 ADEME, 1 ANR, 2 Plan de Relance, 1 i-Nov, 2 IPCEI.
Coordination of multiple collaborative projects: 1 SME Instrument, 1 DGE, 1 ANR.
WP leader of 3 H2020 projects.
Partner in 4 H2020 projects and 1 FP7 project.
How we support you in funding your innovation projects
Innovation services
You can benefit from NETO Innovation's support in various ways:
Project writing (Horizon Europe, Eurostars, French R&D fundings) and partner search to ensure a successful grant writing process.
Technical consultancy to advise you during your development and innovation stages.
Project management to relieve you from technical follow up, administrative and financial tasks.
Tax Credits for Research and Innovation (CIR/CII) to optimize and multiply your innovation funding opportunities.
Innovation sectors
NETO Innovation's team is passionate about science and innovative technologies. We guarantee you a full support in various domains to develop and fulfill your research and innovation work and access to proven results.
Green and sustainable energies.
Flexible hybrid electronics and printed electronics.
Life science and healthcare.
Innovative materials and their manufacturing methods.